Preliminary draft of the new Consumer Protection Law

Chapapría-Navarro & Asociados, as members of the CEOE, has had access to the Draft Bill on Representation Actions for the Protection of the Collective Interests of Consumers. It is still in the hearing and public information phase, but it is expected to be definitively approved in the coming months.

The Preliminary Draft Law on Representative Actions for the Protection of the Collective Interests of Consumers is a proposed law that aims to protect the rights of consumers and improve their possibilities of defense in situations of vulnerability.

This law establishes the basis for making collective actions to defend consumers’ interests more effective and accessible, which in turn will allow consumers to effectively claim and enforce their rights in the event of being harmed by unfair commercial practices or non-compliance on the part of companies.

The draft bill establishes a clear and unified legal framework for representation actions, which will allow consumers to participate in a collective process to defend their rights without having to face the costs and complexity of an individual process. The law also establishes a funding mechanism to enable consumers to access the necessary resources to carry out their representation actions.

In addition, the law provides for support measures for consumer organizations and associations representing the interests of consumers, including an extension of their powers and an increase in their capacities to carry out collective actions in defense of consumer rights.

In summary, the Draft Bill on Representative Actions for the Protection of the Collective Interests of Consumers is an important step towards greater protection of consumer rights and a fairer and more equitable economy in Spain. The law aims to improve the accessibility and effectiveness of collective actions for the defense of consumers’ interests, and to ensure that companies fulfill their responsibilities and respect consumers’ rights.

We will keep you informed when this draft bill becomes a reality and enters into force.

Article written by Mario de Diego

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