The Council of Ministers has approved a decree law of urgent measures regarding housing and rent.

When someone renting his property, many times people doesn’t know all the possibilities in order to writing the contract correctly and depending on our rights, the rental agreement.

The correct letting contract and the right legal advice is the best guarantee we can have to avoiding problems between landlord and tenant, or even worse, to be irremediably immersed in a legal proceeding, where we will lose time and money.

Furthermore, we will share with you the main changes regarding leases:

1- Extension of three to five years of the obligated extension.

2- Limit to two months the deposit that may be required from tenants, except in the case of long-term contracts.

3- In cases where the lessor is a Company, it must assume the costs of real estate management and formalization of the contract.

4- It excludes the tourist rentals of the LAU when it is an economic activity (business).

5-Regarding the evictions, the Government has announced a greater coordination with the social services of the town halls to obtain housing alternatives to the evicted ones before the moment of leaving.

6-Whenever there is an agreement between the owner and the tenant, improvements will be made to the house without the need to sign a new contract.

7- The lease agreements of housing for stable and permanent use will be exempt from Property Transfer Tax and Documented Legal Acts.

If you are thinking of renting your home or, you are looking for a flat to rent, it is very important to be well advised before the signing of the contract.

The good legal advice will ensure that both the landlord and the tenant are assured that their rights and obligations are being respected and that both parties play on equal terms.

Get in touch with our professionals and rent or rent your home without risks and feel safe.

Maria José Bernal Acto
Maria José Bernal Acto
Responsable de comunicación

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