Are you one of the thousands affected by the closure of Dentix?

Are you one of those affected by the closure of Dentix?

At the Firm we can help you. The bankruptcy of the Dentix dental clinic network is a decision that will affect thousands of users who, overnight, will find their dental treatments half done, with unpaid credits or with pending claims to be resolved. If this is your case, our law firm, Chapapría-Navarro & Asociados, has lawyers specialized in Health Law, representing national health companies and, we collaborate with dentists and dental experts to defend the rights to your health and recover your money with all guarantees.

Are you one of the clients affected by the Dentix contest?

You have to know that you have rights. Have you contracted a treatment with Dentix and have your clinic closed? If you have paid, you have the right to have your treatment terminated or your money returned. You are not alone in this, we can help you file a claim, especially if you had financed dental treatment.

What can we do for you?

The lawyers at the Firm will help you know what options you have in this situation of Dentix bankruptcy. If you had financed your treatment and were making the payments of the fees to the financial institution, you will have a better chance of success and we will help you in your mediation with the entity to: End your treatment or get your money back. That they do not require you to pay for a service that has not been provided. If you made payments directly to Dentix, your chances of success are less, but of course we can also guide and represent you. What could you do? Get in touch with our professionals and get advice without obligation. Any problem you are having or have had with your dental clinic, collect all the information you have: budgets, invoices, contracts with the clinic and the financial company, prescriptions, proof of payment … It is essential to claim with guarantees of success.

Financing with linked credit:

They should not require you to pay the credit linked to services that they have not provided. In a similar case, that of the i-Dental clinics, the judge of the National Court determined that the payment of the credits related to the treatment of those affected could not be demanded and that they could not be included in records of defaulters. You can contact our lawyers in person at our offices in Valencia, Torrevieja and Albacete, or you can also request more information on the different telephones in by whatsapp 659381764 or by email info@chapaprianavarroyasociados or requesting a video conference. The Firm provides legal assistance nationwide. With our experience in this sector, your claim will have more guarantees of success. Do not hesitate to contact our lawyers, who will assist you without any commitment.

Torrevieja (Alicante) Calle Ramón Gallud 47 – 1º1 Tlf. 966 276 171

Albacete Calle Tesifonte Gallego 14-2, 1º1 Tlf. 967130246

Valencia Avenida Cortes Valencianas 58 Planta 5ª Edf. Sorolla Center Tlf. 960 454 291

Maria José Bernal Acto
Maria José Bernal Acto
Responsable de comunicación

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