If you are the owner of a home without a license on rustic land, we can help you legalize it.

In the Valencian Community there are about 400,000 homes without legalizing.

The approval of the new LOTUP (Law of Ordination, Territory, Urbanism and Landscape), which is the autonomic norm that regulates urban matters, it will allow us to legalize our home (both individually and jointly with more neighbors) if the works of the same finalized before the 20 of August of 2014.

Why is it important to take advantage of this legislative change and legalize our housing?

  • We can obtain the occupation license, which will allow us to be able to transmit with all the legal guarantees the property to our heirs.
  • Obtaining the occupation license will allow the sale of the home and access to financing in case buyers need it.
  • The license will allow us to contract and register supplies such as electricity and water.
  • We will have the guarantee of being able to register our home in the property registry.
  • If we initiate this procedure and our property has initiated a file of urban discipline for one year and until its legalization, neither the local administration nor Consellería, may impose any coercive fine or warn us of the possibility of demolishing our home.

With this modification of the LOTUP we can now legalize with all the guarantees our house, leaving without effect (if we have opened a file of urban discipline) the coercive fines that can tax our property and be executed by embargoes to our bank accounts and most importantly , remove the ghosts of a possible future demolition of our home.

It is very important if you are in this situation and you do not have your home legalized, accept this possibility to legalize your home, because otherwise, your home may be permanently illegal for all purposes and you will no longer be able to restore it. legality given that the term to sanction by the administrations will become non prescribes.

As we say, this legalizing measure can accommodate both individuals, groups of neighbors, entrepreneurs of the promoter activity and entrepreneurs of industrial and productive activities that have their buildings on undeveloped land.

Do not miss that opportunity, contact our technicians and lawyers specialized in urban planning and give a definitive solution to your home.

Maria José Bernal Acto
Maria José Bernal Acto
Responsable de comunicación

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